splav tag matine devojka 1

Even if you have party hard on the Friday and Saturday, what better way to complete your weekend than with the matinee on Sunday?
Summertime and matinee, go together like the burger and fries, and you have to experience it while you are in Belgrade.
It's a perfect cherry on the top of your crazy weekend to round it up.
Amateurs go to the pool or on the river beaches to cool them selves down, legends do it with the cocktail, beer, dancing and flirting with the beautiful girls. ;-)
This Sanday we are presenting you two clubs with the greatest matinee in town, and you choose which one you are more perverted.
It won't be an easy choice – they are both perfect.


As you already know if you follow our page that we are suggesting you every week to check out the matinee at the club Tag, that starts from 18h.
Great live performances, carefully selected music and positive vibes are what makes club Tag great and what differentiates it from the similar places. There is no better way to wrap up your Sunday than with the drink in a chilling atmosphere and fun time.

splav tag matine


Club Lasta is a place that joins urban and classy crew of people, that loves quality music. Matinee at this club starts at 18h, and for the great time DJs Nexie, Vuk Smiljanić & Kid Kimi will be in charge.
The all town is buzzing of the craziest parties at this club. If you haven't check it already, what are you waiting for?

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